New Internet Explorer Vulnerability Can Make Heartbleed Look Like Simple Heartburn

It’s called Operation Clandestine Fox and it has the potential to be very dangerous. The problem is that this vulnerability comes shortly after the Heartbleed episode which may make people shrug it off as just another bug. But this is what Microsoft has to say about it: “an attacker who successfully exploited this vulnerability could … Continue reading New Internet Explorer Vulnerability Can Make Heartbleed Look Like Simple Heartburn

Deep Web Final Observations and Predictions: The Onset of Web Singularity; Business Ventures in the Cyber Wilderness

At one time, the US was over 90% wilderness. Few dared to go into this unknown and hostile land. Only the bravest ventured there. And who were these brave people? Businessmen. That’s right. Businessmen. History calls them fur traders, but this obscures the fact that these men were the employees of two large companies, The … Continue reading Deep Web Final Observations and Predictions: The Onset of Web Singularity; Business Ventures in the Cyber Wilderness

The Deep Web Part III: Why Visiting the Deep Web Can Save Your Company or Organization Millions

Every large company or organization should have at least one member of its IT department responsible for regularly monitoring actions on the deep web. Such monitoring could save a company millions of dollars. Here’s why. First of all, the more employees you have, the more potential problems you have. Some employees may feel they are … Continue reading The Deep Web Part III: Why Visiting the Deep Web Can Save Your Company or Organization Millions

The Deep Web Part II: Shady Deals in the Gray Market

Would you pay $300,000 dollars for a zero-day exploit like the Heartbleed bug? Well, somebody does, and it’s not the traditional hacker bad guys. They don’t have this kind of money. But before we get into the buyers, let’s see what they get for their money. First of all, they get exclusive rights to the … Continue reading The Deep Web Part II: Shady Deals in the Gray Market

Special Post: Heartbleed Heartache – Just a Little Too Perfect

The Heartbleed bug was created in December of 2011 and was activated in March of 2012, about two years ago. Thus, for two years, it has been used to gather information from the world's biggest web sites. No traditional identity thefts have been linked to this bug during this time. In short, it seems to … Continue reading Special Post: Heartbleed Heartache – Just a Little Too Perfect

To Boldly Go Where Google Cannot Go: Why Businesses Should Know about the Deep Web

(This is the first part of a series on business and the deep web.) When I first walked through the gateway into the deep web, I couldn’t help feeling uneasy. It just didn’t look the same as the internet I was used to. I couldn’t find my way around. I couldn’t speak the language. I … Continue reading To Boldly Go Where Google Cannot Go: Why Businesses Should Know about the Deep Web

How to Hook the Big Government Fish: Salmon Phishing Revisited

Everybody loved Emily Williams. She was an intelligent, attractive, sexy, young woman. She was a new employee at a government agency and just needed a little help adjusting to her new role. To get this help, she used Facebook and LinkedIn to build connections. She was very successful. In 15 hours, she had 60 friends … Continue reading How to Hook the Big Government Fish: Salmon Phishing Revisited