Why Was the Dissection of Snake Malware pulled from the Black Hat Conference?

I can’t answer this question precisely, so I am going to have to speculate a bit in this post. One thing is for sure, I don’t accept the official BAE explanation. "We are not now speaking on this at Black Hat as we are in the midst of writing a new report on Snake that … Continue reading Why Was the Dissection of Snake Malware pulled from the Black Hat Conference?

PR Move or Not, The 1.2 Billion Russian Hack Focuses Attention on Multi-factor Authentication

Security experts around the globe were asking a lot of questions when the biggest hack in the history of planet Earth was announced by the New York Times. How could anyone amass so many email credentials without being discovered? Okay, it was later found that more than half of these were duplicates, but that still … Continue reading PR Move or Not, The 1.2 Billion Russian Hack Focuses Attention on Multi-factor Authentication

Beware! A New Twist on the Facebook/Free Walmart Gift Card Scam is Making the Rounds

This scam has been around for a few years but it occasionally resurfaces in a different form. The new form is just a little more sophisticated. I know, because I was targeted this morning. I noticed the usual email update from Facebook that someone had tagged me in a photo. Nothing too unusual about that … Continue reading Beware! A New Twist on the Facebook/Free Walmart Gift Card Scam is Making the Rounds

Whac-A-Mole: Profiling and Stopping the Malicious Insider

Two-thirds of data breaches involve insiders giving information to outsiders, whether they are aware of what they are doing or not. According to a report by Kroll Advisory Solutions, “moles, opportunists, contractors, disgruntled employees, and ex-IT personnel—all currently pose a greater risk to corporate intellectual property than state-sponsored hacking and APTs, both in frequency and … Continue reading Whac-A-Mole: Profiling and Stopping the Malicious Insider