When Security Becomes a Burden: The Headache of Using Your Online Accounts While Traveling and Some Ways to Get Around the Problems

Would you give Facebook a copy of the information page of your passport, even if they promised they would destroy it once they used it to verify your identity? I didn’t think so. Nonetheless, that was the dilemma I was faced with on my recent trip to Japan. Now, I understand that Facebook is just … Continue reading When Security Becomes a Burden: The Headache of Using Your Online Accounts While Traveling and Some Ways to Get Around the Problems

New Social Media Network, ‘Line’, Overthrows Facebook in Asia and Moves Westward. Next Target: U.S.A.

Mark Zuckerberg’s latest appearance in China may be much more than a cute PR stunt. The fact is that the entire future of Facebook may be on the line or may be destroyed by Line, Asia’s new social network service that has already, in one year, taken complete control of the Japanese market. It has … Continue reading New Social Media Network, ‘Line’, Overthrows Facebook in Asia and Moves Westward. Next Target: U.S.A.

Using reputation management services to build or rebuild your reputation: Proceed with caution.

Okay, so five or ten years ago you made a mistake. Maybe your company had to recall a product, maybe you were hacked and lost valuable data, or maybe one of your executives ran afoul of the law. It can happen to any company. Since then, you have fixed the problem and moved on. You … Continue reading Using reputation management services to build or rebuild your reputation: Proceed with caution.

Strikeback: Attacking the Cyber Attacker

What? It’s against the law to hack back against someone who launched a cyber attack against you? Oddly enough, yes. The rationale is the same as that behind any other criminal act. If someone steals your car, you’re not allowed to steal their car. You would be, technically, committing a crime. You are supposed to … Continue reading Strikeback: Attacking the Cyber Attacker