Social Engineering Attacks: Why Some of Your Friends are Non-Human

And I don’t mean the guy in your office who never laughs at your jokes. I’m talking about your Facebook friends because, if you have a lot of them, it is almost guaranteed that some of them are not who they say they are. Oh, sure, they look like real people. They have a photo … Continue reading Social Engineering Attacks: Why Some of Your Friends are Non-Human

Deep Web Update: Going Down to See What’s Up

It’s that wonderful time of the year again, when all the information gathered by malware over the holidays begins to be distributed to all the eagerly awaiting customers in the deep web. Actually, it might be a little early. Most malware goes undetected for two or three months before someone starts to figure out something … Continue reading Deep Web Update: Going Down to See What’s Up

How I Managed to Predict Yesterday’s ISIS Cyber Attack 12 Hours Before It Occurred

Before I’m contacted by the FBI, I should explain how it happened that, over 12 hours before the ISIS cyber attack occurred, I had predicted something like it.  At the end of the blog post I put up yesterday predicting cyber attacks for 2015 (Experts Say These Are the Breaches to Expect in 2015), I put … Continue reading How I Managed to Predict Yesterday’s ISIS Cyber Attack 12 Hours Before It Occurred

Experts Say These Are the Breaches to Expect in 2015

At the beginning of every year, top security firms and professionals make predictions about what type of cyber attacks they expect to encounter in the next 12 months. I have looked at predictions made by 5 of the top experts to see if there are any consistent themes. I compared predictions from Websense (WS), FireEye … Continue reading Experts Say These Are the Breaches to Expect in 2015

When Bullying Becomes a Good Business Strategy: Smartphone Patent Wars

Few will deny that Steve Jobs was a bully, both in his personal relationships and in his relationships with employees and co-workers in his company.  It should, then, be no surprise that he applied this methodology to his dealings with rival companies. This strategy was first evident in 2003 when Jobs threatened to sue Sun … Continue reading When Bullying Becomes a Good Business Strategy: Smartphone Patent Wars