Apple, the FBI, and the Court of Public Opinion

As nearly everyone already knows, the FBI claims it will protect us from terrorists if we, the American public, agree to let them have access to suspect smartphones and other devices. It is simply part of the ongoing saga of individual freedom and privacy vs. national security. To achieve this security, the FBI wants Apple … Continue reading Apple, the FBI, and the Court of Public Opinion

The State of the Deep Web 2016

The deep web in 2016 is more controlled by paranoia and trust than it has ever been before. At first glance, these two forces may seem to be in opposition. In fact, they are inextricably linked and the deep web could not operate without them. First of all, let me give my definition of the … Continue reading The State of the Deep Web 2016

Einstein’s Demise: The Gravity of the US Government’s Einstein Cyber Security System

A few days ago, a lone hacker managed to bypass the government’s highly touted Einstein security system and get onto computers of the FBI and Department of Homeland Security (DHS). He claims to have stolen 200 GB of data. Some of this was dumped on Cryptobin. It contained the personal information of around 30,000 employees … Continue reading Einstein’s Demise: The Gravity of the US Government’s Einstein Cyber Security System

Real Estate Agencies and Clients Targeted by Cyber Attacks

“Hackers wouldn’t waste their time hacking my business. It just isn’t big enough.” This is the kind of thinking I often encounter when I talk to businesspeople with small to medium-sized firms. They often have simple antivirus protection, firewalls, and sometimes use VPNs. For the most part, they are completely unconcerned about a cyber attack. … Continue reading Real Estate Agencies and Clients Targeted by Cyber Attacks

Romance Scams, the IRS, and Your Business

What happens on Facebook, probably won’t stay on Facebook. Facebook is the go-to site for hackers, spammers, and scammers. Here, they can find email addresses to spam, personal information that can be used to construct phishing emails, and a convenient place to put up a bogus site to give legitimacy to their romance scams. Some … Continue reading Romance Scams, the IRS, and Your Business