HR Departments Beware: New Ransomware is Targeting You

Imagine you start up your computer one day and, instead of seeing the Windows startup screen, you see this. Yeah, you pretty much know you’re in trouble. If you obey the command to “Press Any Key”, you will find the details about what happened to your computer. Notice the English needs work, so this ransomware … Continue reading HR Departments Beware: New Ransomware is Targeting You

Which Candidate is Winning the Social Media Campaign? Part 3: The Sites that Could Decide a Close Election

Although most online battles among the 2016 candidates and their supporters are being fought on Facebook and Twitter, a few newer or lesser known sites are also participating in the debates. Like everything else in the world of technology, it is impossible to say which of these, if any, may become a dominant force in … Continue reading Which Candidate is Winning the Social Media Campaign? Part 3: The Sites that Could Decide a Close Election

Which Candidate is Winning the Social Media Campaign? Part 2: Twitter, Twitter Bots, Trump’s Twitter Suprmacy

I don’t suppose this will come as any surprise, but Donald Trump is crushing his rivals in his use of Twitter. Below are the Twitter statistics for each candidate as of early April, 2016. Trump Clinton Sanders Cruz Kasich Actually, these statistics don’t tell the whole story because a certain percentage of Twitter followers are … Continue reading Which Candidate is Winning the Social Media Campaign? Part 2: Twitter, Twitter Bots, Trump’s Twitter Suprmacy

Which Candidate is Winning the Social Media Campaign? Part 1: Facebook

Campaign analysts and social media experts have been claiming that the 2016 election could be won or lost through clever use of social media. Whether true or not, the candidates are allocating substantial sums of money to this aspect of their campaigns. So, with this in mind, I decided to look at which of the … Continue reading Which Candidate is Winning the Social Media Campaign? Part 1: Facebook