When the Attacker Becomes the Prey: Trapping Hackers in Your Network

A recent webinar by Topspin Security (The Art of Deception: Lure, Confuse, Defeat) explained how enterprises could use cyber attacks to their own advantage. Presenter, Rami Mizrahi, elaborated on a strategy that is based on the premise that nothing will keep a dedicated attacker out of your network. That being the case, it may be … Continue reading When the Attacker Becomes the Prey: Trapping Hackers in Your Network

Update August 14th: Hacked DNC Documents Leaked: Hacker Promises More Damaging Ones on the Way

B August 13th Update: This is the first leak of what might become a 'leaky' weekend. Information in other parts of the web hints that bigger things are on the way. Watch CNN's interview with Assange on Sunday. Some of these leaks could be game changers, but, unforeseen obstacles may lead to delays. For the … Continue reading Update August 14th: Hacked DNC Documents Leaked: Hacker Promises More Damaging Ones on the Way

Adblocker-blocker Blockers

Once upon a time, the internet existed without advertisements. You would type in the address you wanted and, after waiting 30 minutes for the page to load, visit a website. Then, someone got the idea that you could advertise on a website while people were waiting for the page to load. Pop-ups appeared everywhere and, … Continue reading Adblocker-blocker Blockers

Google’s Project Abacus: The Ultimate Security Solution or the Ultimate Source of Aggravation?

Let’s face it. Carrying around a smartphone is like having a tracking device installed on your body. Those who have access to your device can know more about you and your habits than you know yourself. Each of us has our own distinct set of features and habits. We have distinct faces, fingerprints, and voice … Continue reading Google’s Project Abacus: The Ultimate Security Solution or the Ultimate Source of Aggravation?