Hacker Corruption of Data May be the Next Major Attack Vector

"It's not just even the loss of data. Increasingly, we are worried about the corruption of data. Think about the harm someone could do by an intrusion at a blood bank and changing blood types, an intrusion at a financial institution and changing just a few digits in the holdings of an institution." FBI Director, … Continue reading Hacker Corruption of Data May be the Next Major Attack Vector

Trump May Have Been ‘WireTapped’ Through His Samsung Smartphone

And I’m not the only one who’s made this observation. One of the members of the hacking group, Anonymous, made the following comment on Trump’s smartphone of choice, the Samsung Galaxy S3. Whatever you may think about members of Anonymous, the statement is fundamentally correct. However, if you don’t trust anything coming from a member … Continue reading Trump May Have Been ‘WireTapped’ Through His Samsung Smartphone

Are You Being Spied On?

So, Wikileaks releases its CIA documents and the one thing that everyone loses their minds over is learning that their TVs can be used as eavesdropping devices. Really? Where have you all been for the last 5 years? This isn’t even news. Check out an article I wrote on spying devices some years back, When … Continue reading Are You Being Spied On?

Snapchat: The Best App for Those Having an Affair or Hiding Bad Behavior… Or Is It?

I have never seen an app so overrated as Snapchat. I have no idea why it is valued at $24 billion. My only guess is that there is either too much extra money floating around or that speculation has become dangerously optimistic. The key selling point to Snapchat is its disappearing messages and photos. It’s … Continue reading Snapchat: The Best App for Those Having an Affair or Hiding Bad Behavior… Or Is It?