Can Kaspersky Antivirus Be Trusted? The Case For and Against

This story is complex. That's why, in this post, I will attempt to make it as simple as possible, but it will still be complex. The goal here is not to delineate the technical details of the specific malware involved. Instead, this will be the story behind the malware and its use. The aim will … Continue reading Can Kaspersky Antivirus Be Trusted? The Case For and Against

Hacker Confessions: What do they think of themselves? What are their favorite targets?

At the recent Black Hat Conference, security firm, Bitglass, surveyed over 100 black hat and white hat hackers to learn what motivated them and what they looked for when attacking a network. Irrespective of their current hat color affiliation, 81% claimed that they had worked in corporate IT at some time in their careers. Here … Continue reading Hacker Confessions: What do they think of themselves? What are their favorite targets?

Whew! At Least Hackers Didn’t Get My Yahoo Password… Or Did They?

When Yahoo admitted that the 2013 breach of their site exposed the personal information of all 3 billion users of its email service, many people in the cybersecurity community were probably not surprised. Yahoo has been periodically updating the extent of the breach ever since it occurred, and, if it weren't for Verizon, which recently … Continue reading Whew! At Least Hackers Didn’t Get My Yahoo Password… Or Did They?

Recent DHS and FDIC Hacks Indicate the Need for More Innovative Security Solutions

The bigger the organization, the slower it adapts to changes and challenges, and no organization is bigger than the U.S government. So, when I hear news of the DHS or FDIC being hacked through careless or vindictive employees or that the White House's Chief of Staff, John Kelly, had his smartphone compromised for months before … Continue reading Recent DHS and FDIC Hacks Indicate the Need for More Innovative Security Solutions

NFL Controversy Threatens Sponsors and Teams with Fake News and Cyber Attacks

The red line has been drawn. There seems to be no middle ground in the NFL-Anthem  controversy. And where there is controversy, there is Twitter. And where there is Twitter, there are trolls, hackers, and fake news generators. The Washington Post has already echoed comments by Sen. James Lankford (R-Okla.) claiming that Russian trolls are … Continue reading NFL Controversy Threatens Sponsors and Teams with Fake News and Cyber Attacks