Emotion Detection and Manipulation Headsets Are Now on Sale

Here is the latest version of a headset that is capable of detecting and influencing your emotions. The headset, developed by imec and Holst Centre, is promoted as "breakthrough technology to advance neuro research, e-learning and virtual gaming". Before we get too carried away with this idea, and before we delve into the true implications … Continue reading Emotion Detection and Manipulation Headsets Are Now on Sale

Bitcoin Hardware Wallets and Their Vulnerabilities

Bitcoins don't exist. That is, there is no physical coin with a bitcoin logo, even though attempts have been made to create them. Those that do exist, exist as novelty items, like the one in this image. When you buy a bitcoin, you buy a line of computer code that a group of people believe … Continue reading Bitcoin Hardware Wallets and Their Vulnerabilities

Free Malware Neutralizes Nearly All Android Antivirus Software

One of the most annoying problems for hackers is dealing with those pesky antivirus programs. As much as you may malign them, these software programs still form the main line of defense against common malware attacks. If only hackers had a way to neutralize these programs, their work would be much easier. Well, relief is … Continue reading Free Malware Neutralizes Nearly All Android Antivirus Software

Was Intel Always Aware of Vulnerabilities in Their Processors?

When I first heard the news about a critical flaw in Intel's chips, I felt that something wasn't quite right. Intel has been designing chips for decades and they must have some of the world's best chip designers. How was it possible that they missed what appeared to be a major flaw that would open … Continue reading Was Intel Always Aware of Vulnerabilities in Their Processors?

This Malware Can Physically Destroy Your Android Phone

It all begins with Bitcoin, or other cryptocurrencies, of which there are now over 900 varieties. I realize that almost no one understands how Bitcoin operates, but I will make a valiant attempt to oversimplify the underlying architecture because, without understanding this, it would be impossible to explain how Bitcoins can destroy your smartphone. To … Continue reading This Malware Can Physically Destroy Your Android Phone