New Malware Uses a Facebook-YouTube-Chrome Combo to Steal Bitcoins

The FacexWorm has been around since late last year, but it has been continually upgraded to be more efficient in stealing Bitcoins. It's use of a select blend of social media to propagate itself makes it rather unique and may portend a new approach that criminals may use, Stage 1: Facebook Messenger  Criminals get control … Continue reading New Malware Uses a Facebook-YouTube-Chrome Combo to Steal Bitcoins

World Cyberwar I

Minor skirmishes in preparation for an all out cyberwar have been taking place in the Middle East for a number of years now. Since the Stuxnet attack on Iran's nuclear facilities in 2010, the region has seen a number of attacks on key infrastructure. These attacks have been troubling but have intentionally been kept at … Continue reading World Cyberwar I

The Dangerous Rise in Code Injection Attacks

So what's code injection and why is it dangerous? In terms of a malware exploit, code injection is performed by an attacker to make a legitimate application do something it shouldn't. Attackers place or inject code into an application or process to subvert its normal activity and makes it perform tasks that will benefit the … Continue reading The Dangerous Rise in Code Injection Attacks