Deepfake Videos: When All News Becomes Fake News

Most people can tell whether a video is fake or not. It may be a very good fake but something about it just looks, well, unnatural. We may not be able to express why a fake video leaves us with this feeling, but we simply know it from our interactions with real people. If we … Continue reading Deepfake Videos: When All News Becomes Fake News

Hacking Your Face

Okay, so that's a bit of an ambiguous title. I don't mean using tricks to make yourself look better or hitting yourself in the face with a meat cleaver. What I'm referring to is a new form of malware that actually uses your computer or device's camera to look at you and identify you before … Continue reading Hacking Your Face

Why an Attack on a Taiwanese Chipmaker May Affect You

Most people have probably never heard of Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co. (TSMC). Most people would be surprised to learn that it is the seventh biggest tech firm in the world, placing just below Apple. In fact, according to Bloomberg, TMSC is the "sole maker of the iPhone’s main processor" and is currently preparing to begin … Continue reading Why an Attack on a Taiwanese Chipmaker May Affect You

Why Not Get Google Results with a Private, Non-Tracking Search Engines?

I like Google. I think it gives better search results than any mainstream search engine. That said, I know it's following me. It keeps records of what I search for, what sites I visit, and what I like to build a profile of me. It then offers me targeted ads and targeted search results. Sometimes … Continue reading Why Not Get Google Results with a Private, Non-Tracking Search Engines?