Lazarus Rises to Make ATMs Pour Forth Cash

Lazarus is not dead. I mean the Lazarus hacking group, of course. In fact, last year, it was designated as one of the most dangerous hacking groups on Earth. Now, with the incarnation of FASTCash malware, Lazarus just might have ascended to the supreme position of world's most dangerous hacking group. Let me give a … Continue reading Lazarus Rises to Make ATMs Pour Forth Cash

Companies and Large Organizations Targeted by GandCrab Ransomware

How would you like to make a quarter of a billion dollars in just a few months? No problem. Just get involved with the nice folks who run GandCrab Ransomware. They have combined ransomware with botnets to target any business or organization holding large amounts of valuable data. In fact, GandCrab has been so effective … Continue reading Companies and Large Organizations Targeted by GandCrab Ransomware

What Kind of Person is most likely to Fall for a Scam? You May Be Surprised

We all have a good laugh when we hear of the Iowa lawyer who fell for the Nigerian Prince Scam. How can anyone be so stupid! Yet, smart people are scammed everyday. The stereotype of the easy scam victim is an elderly person who just got their first computer or smartphone. "Look,Homer! Our Joey is … Continue reading What Kind of Person is most likely to Fall for a Scam? You May Be Surprised

Banning Gab: An Assault on Free Speech or an Act to Protect Society?

Facebook, Twitter, and Google are all banned… in China. They are among numerous sites that are banned for their ability to present and propagate views that would disrupt or endanger the social structure of the nation. Here are just some of the sites China bans.  In the U.S, the same sites blocked in China do … Continue reading Banning Gab: An Assault on Free Speech or an Act to Protect Society?