Trump, Biden, and the Recent Hacking of Burisma Gas

When investigating any breach, it's important to keep an open mind and not reach any conclusions before all the facts are in. This is especially true when investigating the Burisma Holdings breach because of the political ramifications linked to the company. For anyone out there who is still not aware, Burisma is the Ukrainian oil … Continue reading Trump, Biden, and the Recent Hacking of Burisma Gas

Package Scams: Free Packages, Fake Packages, and Illegal Packages Scam the Unwary

Package scams are nothing new. They've been around since people started buying merchandize on the internet. Recently, however, these scams have been getting more sophisticated and much harder to spot. The following scams are ones that have recently seen a rise in victims. The Free Package from Amazon Scam How can getting a free package … Continue reading Package Scams: Free Packages, Fake Packages, and Illegal Packages Scam the Unwary

Take the Iranian Cyber Threat Seriously

Many people fear that the death of Iranian General Qassim Suleimani could lead to a cyberwar between the U.S. and Iran. To those I say; where have you been for the past two years? In May of 2018, I predicted the beginning of the first world cyberwar which could draw in countries from throughout the … Continue reading Take the Iranian Cyber Threat Seriously

The F.B.I. Will Help Companies Identify Malicious Insiders

There are insider threats, and there are insider threats. One type of insider threat can be classified as naïve. This refers to those employees who expose the company to cyber attacks through their irresponsible behavior. For example, an employee may have been told that public WIFI services are unsafe, but they log into their company … Continue reading The F.B.I. Will Help Companies Identify Malicious Insiders