U.S. Intelligence Report on Russian Election Hacking Leaves Too Many Questions Unanswered

People like fake news. According to a study by MIT, they like it more than real news, and the fake news they like the most is fake political news. The MIT study found that fake news had a 70% better chance to be retweeted than real news. In addition, the more sensational the news, the … Continue reading U.S. Intelligence Report on Russian Election Hacking Leaves Too Many Questions Unanswered

Tinder and Instagram Used to Launch Complex Date Verification Scam

Do you know you can set up your own dating site for free? I know. You probably aren't surprised because there are a number of free website providers. But what if I told you that not only could you get a free website, but that you would be able to share a vast database of … Continue reading Tinder and Instagram Used to Launch Complex Date Verification Scam

All Voting App Software can be Hacked: Iowa is Only the Tip of the Iceberg

Yes, I know. As of this writing, the Iowa Democratic Party and some other experts are saying that no hacking probably occurred during the Iowa Caucus. Well, what do you expect them to say? But, as everyone in cybersecurity knows, the easiest way into a network is to hack one of its endpoints. Giving out … Continue reading All Voting App Software can be Hacked: Iowa is Only the Tip of the Iceberg

Disturbing Hacks Demonstrated at Recent Hacking Competition

Pwn2Own is the name of a hacking contest where teams of participants demonstrate their hacking skills by finding vulnerabilities in well-known devices and software. Winners get to keep the devices they hack plus a cash prize. For the companies who produce the devices and software, it's a bargain. They get the best hackers to find … Continue reading Disturbing Hacks Demonstrated at Recent Hacking Competition