Facebook Users Beware: Criminals Position Themselves for Holiday Attacks

Combine lockdowns with the holiday season, and you have a fertile breeding ground for hackers who would love to steal your personal information and, ultimately, your money. It's a good idea to be a paranoid web surfer during the holiday season, but which sites are the most dangerous? According to Kaspersky, these are the sites … Continue reading Facebook Users Beware: Criminals Position Themselves for Holiday Attacks

Double-tap Scammers: The Lowest of the Low

Scammers take advantage of human frailty. Difficult circumstances can plunge anyone into a troubled state of mind, and, in such a state, people can make bad decisions. Financial problems may make people take chances that they may not normally take, like believing in a get-rich-quick proposition in an email. Suffering from a romantic breakup may … Continue reading Double-tap Scammers: The Lowest of the Low

The Depression Pandemic Meets a Brain Stimulation Headset

If you haven't yet heard, there's a depression pandemic sweeping the globe. According to a study done by the Boston University School of Public Health, depression has increased by 300% (3 times) when compared to before the COVID-19 pandemic struck. It is not simply the life-threatening aspect of this virus that has caused this increase. … Continue reading The Depression Pandemic Meets a Brain Stimulation Headset

Zero-Click Hacks: The Holy Grail of Hacking

When, back in 2018, Australian National University (ANU) announced that it was hacked when an employee simply previewed a phishing email in the preview panel, few in the cybersecurity community believed it. They cynically remarked that this was probably a story concocted by an employee who actually clicked on a link or opened an attachment … Continue reading Zero-Click Hacks: The Holy Grail of Hacking

Russian Hackers Position Themselves for Election Day Tampering

Last week, the F.B.I. and the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) reported that state-sponsored Russian hackers succeeded in breaching a number of government networks and have "exfiltrated data from at least two victim servers." Admittedly, this whole scenario is a little confusing because these agencies claim that SLTT network members are specifically being targeted. … Continue reading Russian Hackers Position Themselves for Election Day Tampering