Genocide Apps: Coming to an App Store Near You

It all began in China, but my guess is that it's not going to end there. When the Chinese government decided it was time to eliminate the Uighur minority in northwest China, they came up with a novel idea. Why not 'suggest' that their Uighur citizens install 'special' apps on their phones? The apps the … Continue reading Genocide Apps: Coming to an App Store Near You

How Will the U.S. Retaliate against the Russian SolarWinds Hackers?

"It is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing." Shakespeare, Macbeth This quote just about sums up President Elect, Joe Biden's and much of the intelligence community's response to the recent SolarWinds attack on numerous government agencies and private corporations. I realize that they don't want to show their … Continue reading How Will the U.S. Retaliate against the Russian SolarWinds Hackers?

So What Exactly is a Supply Chain Attack?

Imagine that you get an email from one of your friends? Imagine that you were both at the same party and that he had some pictures he wanted to share with you. He's done this sort of thing before. His email address checks out so, no problem, right? You open the photos and they are … Continue reading So What Exactly is a Supply Chain Attack?

Microsoft Downplays Source Code Breach… Why?

On New Year's Eve, when everyone's attention was somewhere else, Microsoft casually announced that its source code had been breached. This was followed by a 'nothing-to-see-here' discussion of the incident. So, I suppose we should just continue living as if the SolarWinds attackers' penetration to the core of the Microsoft Corporation is a minor cyber … Continue reading Microsoft Downplays Source Code Breach… Why?