Social Media vs. the Taliban vs. ISIS vs. Humanity

The social media landscape in Afghanistan has transformed quite remarkably since the Taliban originally seized power in 1996. Back then, the Taliban were about the only people in the country using mobile phones. They found them useful in organizing attacks. Most Afghans, however, were in no position to afford a smartphone. Besides, mobile networks were … Continue reading Social Media vs. the Taliban vs. ISIS vs. Humanity

Vultur Android Malware Targeting Your Bank Account and Crypto Wallet

Most Android banking malware uses overlays to fool users into clicking on something they don't really want to click on. Often, this strategy sends victims to a fake banking login page where the attackers will gather login credentials. These they will quickly use to hack into the target's bank account. But this is not what … Continue reading Vultur Android Malware Targeting Your Bank Account and Crypto Wallet

The Escalating Iran-Israel Wiper Attack War

First of all, what's a wiper attack? Basically, it is what it says it is: a cyber attack with the simple goal of wiping out the data in a network. Yes, such attacks could be easily tweaked into ransomware attacks, but money isn't the goal of these attacks. Destruction is. Causing trouble is. In short, … Continue reading The Escalating Iran-Israel Wiper Attack War

Ransomware Takes a Dangerous New Turn

I think everyone can agree that ransomware is dangerous enough as it is. It has taken down numerous companies, hospitals, cities, and government agencies. It has also brought down important segments of infrastructure as evidenced in the Colonial Pipeline attack. So, how can it get any worse? To find the answer to this question, it's … Continue reading Ransomware Takes a Dangerous New Turn

Why Did the REvil Ransomware Group Give Up Its Decryption Key?

Almost everyone has heard of the Colonial Pipeline attack and most people have heard something about the SolarWinds exploit. These were both termed 'supply chain attacks' because the criminals were able to jump from the main company to attack smaller companies associated with it. The attacks involved infecting an actual update that was distributed to … Continue reading Why Did the REvil Ransomware Group Give Up Its Decryption Key?