Crumbling Cookies: Session Cookies Used to Attack Companies

A lot of people have the concept that all cookies are bad. That's simply not true. Many are useful and some are actually necessary. The cookies people think are bad are the ones that are used for marketing and for the most part, they can be blocked. Do you really want to type in your … Continue reading Crumbling Cookies: Session Cookies Used to Attack Companies

Russia’s Killnet Group Declares War on the West

On May 15, 2022, Killnet, a pro-Russian hactivist group, declared war on 10 nations. “Greetings to all our enemies, today we officially declare cyber war on the government of ten countries. From now on, our attacks will include the United States, Great Britain, Germany, Italy, Latvia, Romania, Lithuania, Estonia, Poland and Ukraine.” So, I suppose … Continue reading Russia’s Killnet Group Declares War on the West

The Narcissist Nightmare: Will TikTok be Banned?

If you're a nonentity looking for attention, no app is better than TikTok. If conditions are right, even the most disturbed person can have their moment in the sun. TikTok advocates may think this is fine, but parents don't always agree. Parents complain of TikToks addictive nature, but they've been complaining about addictive apps every … Continue reading The Narcissist Nightmare: Will TikTok be Banned?

The Worse and Worst of BadUSB

A BadUSB attack is what it says it is. It's an attack that uses an altered USB to create an interface to a computer, device, or network that unauthorized users or hackers can take advantage of.  Among hackers, such a pre-programmed, often malicious, USB is referred to as a Rubber Ducky. The good thing about … Continue reading The Worse and Worst of BadUSB